Are you ready to have more ease in your life?
My name is Alexia. I have a special interest in posture and movement, gut health and inflammation, and chronic pain. As a holistic practitioners we help to change movement and posture patterns, increase body awareness and reduce pain levels. But what we are really passionate about is helping people create more ease in their bodies to live happy and full lives.
How much of an effect are your posture and movement patterns having on your pain and mobility? Our remedial massage therapists will assess your needs to ensure you get a treatment solution that is personalised for your own pain problem.
Did you know that stress, inflammation and nutrition can have an impact on your pain levels? At Holistia our Naturopath will support your health journey with diet, nutritional and herbal medicines fully tailored to your specific needs.
Sometimes we just need to let go of old emotions and patterns - are you ready? With both Flower Essence Therapy and Access Bars on offer, you can shake off some of your old “stuff” and be ready to move forward in your life!