Structural integration and massage is now part of my long term health plan.

I went to Holistia initially for massage but I am pleased to have been advised about Structural Integration. Alexia helped me with long standing issues I had become used to and thought would never change. I feel I am moving more freely and am able to get more out of my exercise due to the treatment. Structural integration and massage is now part of my long term health plan.

- Shanti

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I highly recommend this lady she's amazing!!

I’ve been to the chiro, physio and had many remedial massages for years to help deal with my flat feet, issues with my hips, back and rounded shoulders.
But I’ve only just had 3 appointments with Lexi and now my feet naturally arch (something I’ve never had in my life) and for the first time I don’t have to make myself stand up straight, my body (all through my torso and shoulders) is doing it by itself - a concept that just seemed incomprehensible to me before. I feel so tall!

Carla A.

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